Styrian Pumpkin Seeds | Organic (Cucurbita Pepo)


The organic Styrian pumpkkin seeds are collected from a special cultivar of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) which is native of Stryria – a small province in Austria. Also known as the hull-less pumpkin or naked-seed pumpkin seeds, these are considered one among the best there is. This is a natural mutation first farmed in Styria about 100 years ago.

Initially grown only for animals, the Styrian pumpkin seeds were found medicinally very useful as preventive for prostate and bladder problems. In early stages these seeds have the ability to shrink the enlarged prostate and bring it to normal size. Just chewing a handful of these seeds every day is enough as a preventive against prostate enlargement.

Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds have been used medicinally for thousands of years. The Styrian cultivars have improved upon its natural qualities discovered and used for generations. It is an exceptionally nutritious snack which can give instant energy boost, mental focus and improve overall vitality.

Researched in depth, the seeds have been found useful in prevention of atherosclerosis, regulation of cholesterol and treatment of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).

German traditional medicine has it listed as an effective parasite treatment, especially for tapeworm infestation.

The oil extracted from the Styrian pumpkin seeds has been found to be one of the richest source of antioxidants.

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