Mastic Liqueur

Spirited liqueur with mastic in a centuries-old recipe from Greece. An aromatic voyage to the Greek island of Chios, the only place the fabled mastic resin (mastiha) tree grows, distilled to enticing perfection.
Known since the 5th century BC, Chios mastic (mastiha in greek) has been referred to by notables like Herodotus and Hippocrates for its beneficial and digestive properties & unique taste. Once worth its weight in gold, it has been used throughout the Roman, Ottoman, and again the modern times as an exotic delicacy.

Elegant and clean scent shaping an overall softening and refreshing smell; subtle lavender and coconut mouthfeel, with the unique Mastic smell being prevalent. Unique & apparent mastic flavor.

Mastic flavor is apparent and unique either straight up in a cold digestif shot or mixed with tonic and lemon in a fresh long drink. Elegant and clean scent shaping an overall softening and refreshing smell, with subtle lavender and coconut mouthfeel.

By FINEST ROOTS, a Greek brand of the finest-quality, hand-crafted luxury liqueurs that revives historic recipes with a rich heritage and "going back to the roots"only using natural Greek ingredients. Served at some of the world's top bars or at your local liquor shop.

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