Raw Carob Syrup Ι Organic


The carob syrup in its raw and purest form, 100% organic and free of preservatives or fillers, produced from the pods of the carob tree. It has a mild, sweet flavor but can differ depending on the variety without altering its nutritional value.
For its production, only Cretan carobs are used.

Carob, famed as the "Pride of Crete" or "Crete's Black Gold", is the fruit that has nourished generations, thanks to the nutrients it contains, being so valuable in the past to even serve as a unit of measurement for precious metals and stones. But let's take things from the beginning.
As a tree known since ancient times, the carob tree has a rich history and many different names. The carob tree first appeared in the Middle East (Syria, Palestine). In fact, the name 'carob' is of Arabic origin (karub).

It has a taste comparable to chocolate, although it is sweeter and less bitter, with its powder having a toasted flavor and texture like cocoa powder.

Medically, carob is used to treat digestive issues such as diarrhea, heartburn, and the intestine's failure to absorb certain nutrients from meals effectively. Celiac disease and sprue are two of these absorption problems. Obesity, vomiting during pregnancy, and high cholesterol are all treated with carob.

It has antioxidant properties and helps to counteract the free oxygen radicals that attack cells, slowing down processes such as aging, chronic damage, and diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
It is anti-diabetic due to its very low glycemic index. It also has antiviral properties as the nutrients contained in carob strengthen the immune system and help keep viral diseases at bay, and it has anti-diarrheal and hypolipidemic properties thanks to lignin, which helps fight 'bad' cholesterol [LDL].

But what many people don't know is that carob is a top, plant-based source of calcium. As a matter of fact, carob contains twice as much calcium compared to milk, with 100g providing 348mg of calcium, whilst milk contains just 120 to 130mg of calcium per 100g. This makes Carob an invaluable ally against osteoporosis.

As a natural substitute for sugar, it's great in cakes, tahini, hot and cold beverages, yogurt, ice cream, and rice.

◉ Should be stored in airtight glass containers -in a cool, dark, and dry area- to preserve its flavor, texture, and properties.

By CRETA CAROB, a family company located in a little village called Argyroupoli on Crete, whose main focus is the production of different organic products from the Carob Pods.

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