Wheatgrass Powder (Triticum Aestivum)


Wheatgrass is the early grass of Triticum aestivum, the common wheat plant. It has a grassy flavor that is also moderately sweet.

Wheatgrass contains a variety of crucial components for the body, including chlorophyll, antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolic acid, iron, electrolytes such as magnesium and calcium, amino acids, vitamins A, C, E, and selenium.

Main Benefits of Wheatgrass

1. Alkalizing the Body, Boosting Nutrient Absorption & Weight loss

Wheatgrass provides important alkalizing benefits to the body, as well as enhancing dietary absorption of electrolytes, vitamin C and vitamin E. Creating an alkaline environment is vital if you want to avoid the development of cancer and other chronic diseases in your body as you age. Acidosis (high amounts of acid due to poor alkalinity) is a very common condition nowadays, due to environmental toxicity as well as the consumption of highly processed meals by many people. Chlorophyll is largely responsible for the alkalinization of the body. Chlorophyll has been found to naturally regulate the pH level of the body and protect cells. This is one of the reasons why chlorophyll consumption has been linked to anti-aging benefits ranging from younger-looking skin to improved weight control.
Overall, incorporating chlorophyll-rich foods in meals tends to minimize food intake and avoid compensatory eating later in the day, which may aid in weight loss over time.

2. Lowering Free Radical Damage

Wheatgrass has important antioxidant properties, which are among its many advantages. It can help prevent oxidative/free radical damage, which are contributors to disease and aging. This is associated with reduced levels of inflammation and a lower risk of problems such as cancer, liver disease, and heart disease.

3. Raising Immunity and Cancer Protection

Wheatgrass has been shown to have anti-cancer properties in studies. It appears to do this by triggering apoptosis (self-destruction of cancerous cells). It improves general immune function by regulating immunological activity and combating oxidative stress, which causes cell mutations.

It has been shown in clinical trials to have synergistic effects for those with rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, hematological illnesses, diabetes, and obesity, in addition to helping to prevent and treat cancer.

4. Lowering High Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Wheatgrass has been shown to be a heart and blood vessel tonic in studies. It may help with hyperlipidemia treatment. Actually, it aids in the reduction of high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Wheatgrass serves mainly as an antibacterial by inhibiting the growth of unfavorable bacteria, as well as for rebuilding and strengthening the blood, restoring fertility, and regulating hormones.

It also helps in tissue regeneration, detoxification from heavy metals, liver cleansing, blood sugar regulation, and antiseptic treatment of streptococcal infections, wounds, skin grafts, sinusitis, ear infections, varicose veins, and scars.

Finally, it helps to prevent tooth decay, treat sore throats, treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion, vision, especially night vision, sleep, nerve signaling, and mental well-being.

Wheatgrass powder can be consumed in a smoothie or beverage. If you don't like the flavor, combine it with a strong-tasting item, such as pineapple or banana. Mixing it with milk, honey, or fruit juice is another option.

As it can trigger allergies in those who are sensitive to other grasses, before consuming wheatgrass products, consult your physician if you have any plant allergies.

◉ Should be stored in airtight glass containers -in a cool, dark, and dry area- to preserve its flavor and properties.
◉ Before adding a new herbal remedy or supplement to your daily routine, you should consult with a medical doctor or holistic health practitioner.

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