Cretan Essential Oils by WILD HERBS OF CRETE
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Disinfectant especially for the broncho-pulmonary system, expectorant; strengthens the immune system, purifying. Bactericidal activity (typhus, meningococci, diphteric bacteria, staphylococci). Stimulates the production of white blood globules. Use with caution.
Regenerating, illuminating, clearing. Prevents physical aging and psychological weakness. A poly-valent oil, efficient even at low doses.
Beneficial in gynecological problems such as vaginae with leucorrhea (white discharge) and chronic genital catarrh. In Cretan traditional medicine, the oil is used as a cerebral sedative, in treatments of colds, bronchitis and coughs (high 1.8 cineole content) and excessive sweating. Externally used it relieves menstrual pains, stomach-aches and colic. Antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action, especially for the mouth and throat area. The have been some reports on blood sugar and blood pressure lowering activity of Greek sage.
To relieve headache, a drop of oil mixed with 1 dl of vinegar and applied as a compress onto the forehead is helpful.
The essential oil regenerates and norishes skin, calming and comforting activity. Revitalises mature skin, aids regeneration after burns and injuries. The oil to use after a crisis, and not during. Promotes diuresis, aids the liver and digestion. A good fixative for other oils and parfumes.
Rosemary is stimulating, rejuvenating, purifying and uplifting to spirit mind and body. As such it removes stagnation, encourages circulation in the body, beneficial for muscle tension and rheumatism as well as for hair loss.
Astringent, balsamic, antibacterial and antifungal. The oil is warming and cleansing as well as astringent. Used as a digestive and antibacterial remedy for the digestive system. In toothpastes and skin preparations.
V. agnus castus is known to exert remarkable hormone balancing activity on especially the female hormonal system. It is balancing the two female gonadal hormones by binding to dopamine (DA1 and DA2) receptors, and thereby suppressing hyperprolactinaemia. Beneficial in female ailments related to hormonal imbalances.
Anti bacterial, anti infectious and anti fungal, warming (stimulating circulation). The oil acts on hyper: hyperthermic, hypertension. Immunostimulant. invigorating, aphrodisiac, tonic for the reproductive system. Spicy pungent flavor. Use with caution, see further info below.
Powerful anti-infectious. Wound healing. First aid for insect bites or stings. Analgesic. Antispasmodic (digestive system). Stimulating, sedative, relaxing (CNS), energising and cleaning. Not to be used internally or over prolonged periods of time.
With rosemary and lemon balm extracts and peppermint essential oils.
Arismari soap is well-formulated to clean the oily and weak hair naturally without dehydrating them. It contains extracts of rosemary which is considered excellent for hair loss and stimulation of hair, and lemon balm know for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains jojoba oil which regulates sebum secretion, while peppermint essential oil combats oiliness.
Οlea europaea fruit oil, Aqua, Cocos nucifera oil, Sodium hydroxide
Symbol of eternity, immortality, purity and stability, poise, inner strength and liberty. A general re-equilibrant, especially for nervous conditions, tensions, stress, crises of passion. Aids respiration, combats congestion. Immunostimulant. Astringent action on swollen legs and varicose veins.
Antiseptic especially for the respiratory system, with common colds. antibacterial, anti inflammatory. muscle warming, promotes wound healing. Clears and focuses the mind. Not to be used internally.