Dill (Anethum Graveolens)
Dill, scientifically known as Anethum graveolens, is related to parsley, cumin, and the bay leaf. It's a Mediterranean native used as a spice and medicinal since the time of the Greeks and Romans. The word "dill" means "to quiet or soothe," and it comes from the plant's well-known ability to settle upset stomachs and colicky babies.
The fragrance of dried dill is refreshing and aromatic, reminiscent of parsley, fennel, and caraway. Fresh dill has a stronger anise taste than dried dill.
In reality, dill and dill weed has a surprising number of mental and physical health advantages. It's high in calcium, manganese, and iron, and its flavonoids have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties as an antioxidant food.
It possesses antidepressant and analgesic qualities, might possibly lower cholesterol levels, repels pests and insects, and lessens some of the discomfort and suffering associated with menstrual cramps. Furthermore, this herb has been used to treat epilepsy in third-world countries for millennia.
Regularly including dill in your diet may help you receive certain essential fatty acids as well as scavenge harmful superoxide radicals.
Dried dill leaves are delicious in salad dressings, egg dishes, and fowl of any type. Very good with fish and seafood, perfect for seasoning yogurt or sour cream dips, soups, pickles, and a variety of vegetables.
◉ Herbs and botanicals should be stored in airtight glass containers -in a cool, dark, and dry area- to preserve their flavor and properties.