St. John's Wort Oil (Hypericum Perforatum)
This ointment comes form the Greek island of Crete where it is gathered and prepared by hand in small quantities using the ancient method. The plant is gathered during the flowering season in May. It is then placed in a jars with local olive oil and left in the sun until it turns red. The oil is used to dress burns, cuts, surgical scars etc. It is particularly effective for deep wounds, injuries caused by crushing, or any other trauma associated with nerve damage.
St John's Wort (Hypericum Perforatum) is a rhizomatous perennial plant with gland dotted leaves and flowers containing its healing properties. Though the plant may be known today as an anti-depressant and sedative (opinions vary as to its real effectiveness in this field) - it is historically more important as a healing herb. Indeed, it is mentioned as such by many ancient Greek authors such as Dioscurides and Hippocrates.
St John's Wort has been known throughout history as a vulnerary (wound healer) and was in its heyday on the battlefields of the Crusaders. In Greek it is known as 'spathochorto' referring to its ability of healing sword wounds. It was also credited for keeping evil spirits away, for which purpose it was hung above doors on the eve of St John's day (June 24), when witches were thought to be most active. Its mystique was confirmed by the way the juice of the plant turns red on exposure to air - a phenomenon thought to symbolize the blood of St John the Baptist.
Whatever the story may be with witches and Crusaders, the truth is that this ointment is extremely effective in cuts and wounds. A couple of daily applications with a piece of cotton infused with some oil accelarates the healing in a remarkable way.