Eucayptus Leaves (Eucalyptus Globulus) | Our Biodynamic Cultivation



The leaves are covered with oil glands and have a natural menthol scent, similar to mint leaves. They contain a number of beneficial compounds found mostly within the plant’s volatile essential oils. Due to the presence of compounds including cineole and flavonoid antioxidants found within eucalyptus leaves, they have been found to have antibacterial, antiseptic, and expectorant properties.

The Eucalyptus oil is applied externally to the throat to ease throat troubles such as cough, laryngitis, and croup. While gargling, it helps heal sore throat and also acts as a mouth washer. It is also used to relieve toothache.

It is also known to be used as a muscle warmer and aid to relieve body pain. Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are put to good use when it is applied to wounds.

It is also excellent as a general disinfectant, deodorizer of the house, and cleaner of indoor air. Hang the leaves on their stem in your shower, or add them to your bath. The steam will help release the beneficial compounds.

You can also add some to a bowl with warm water and inhale the steam/vapors coming off. If using the bowl method, consider placing a damp towel over the top of your head to help keep the steam near your face.

Recommended Dosage

◉ 1-3 teaspoons of loose tea (or 3g up to 3 times) daily. If more than one herbal mixture is consumed at the same period of time, reduce the amount of tea accordingly.
◉ When herbs are used for an extended period of time, it is suggested to consume a herbal remedy with a ratio of 3 to 1. For example:
- If you choose to take it for 3 weeks, have a one-week pause.
- If it is taken for a 30-day period, have a 10-day pause.
That does not apply to herbs and fruits that have a laxative effect.

◉ Herbs and botanicals should be stored in airtight glass containers -in a cool, dark, and dry area- to preserve their flavor and properties.
◉ Before adding a new herbal remedy or supplement to your daily routine, you should consult with a medical doctor or holistic health practitioner.

Herbal Tea Brewing Instructions

  1. Heat the water to the point where it begins to boil.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of loose tea, to a tea infuser or tea bag, for every 180ml - 240ml of water.
  3. Pour the heated water (right off the boil) over the tea, cover your cup, and steep for 7-10 minutes or longer.
  4. Add honey or stevia for sweetness, if desired. 

Follow these additional steps to make the perfect cup of tea!

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