"Vanilla" Black Tea
This rich blend of tea from the Himalayan foothills in India's Darjeeling region is stimulating but smooth, elegant, and refined. With only one sip, you'll understand why Darjeeling is considered the champagne of black teas.
The flowery perfume and flavor resonate in your senses when infused, and a touch of sugar or honey can satisfy a sweet tooth.
A relaxing and indulgent blend to be taken with or without milk. This wonderful, now-iconic blend of tea and vanilla has been passed down through the generations. It's not for naught: vanilla's rich, aromatic power perfectly balances the bitterness of the tea.
The first can be sweet, intense, delicate, light, tangy, or suave, whereas the second is spicy and velvety. Needless to say, black tea and vanilla are fantastic mates. Truly an irresistible delight.
Black Darjeeling tea, Vanilla flavor
◉ Green, Black, White, Oolong, and Pu-erh all come from the same plant, containing variable amounts of caffeine. In general, black and Pu-erh teas have the highest amount, followed by oolong teas, green teas, and the lowest amount found in white teas.
◉ Should be stored in airtight glass containers -in a cool, dark, and dry place- to preserve the flavor, texture, and properties.
Black Tea Brewing Instructions
- Hot Brew
- Heat the water to just the point when it starts to boil (95° C).
- Add 1 teaspoon of loose tea to a tea infuser or tea bag, for every 180ml - 240ml of water. If you prefer a stronger cup, include more tea instead of a longer steep time to prevent the likelihood of a more bitter flavor.
- Pour the heated water over the tea, cover your cup, and steep for 3-5 minutes or more. Small leaves infuse more quickly than large leaves. The amount of time you steep your tea depends on your taste preferences; a longer period equals a stronger tea. At the three-minute mark, taste the tea, and then every 30 seconds after that until you find the flavor that you like most.
- Black tea can often be steeped 2 or 3 times, producing new flavors with each cup. Slightly increase the water temperature and steeping time for each brew.
- Add milk and honey, or stevia for sweetness, if desired.
- Cold Brew
A cold infusion delivers flavors that are sweeter, smoother, more complex, and can be made in a number of different ways.
The Fast Way
Follow the steps as shown in the "Hot Brew", but use less water, and perhaps even more tea, in order to produce tea concentrate.
Strain and pour over ice or cold water. -
15' to 60' Ready
Add 1-2 teaspoons of loose tea to a tea infuser or tea bag, for every 200ml - 250ml of water. Pour ice-cold water over the tea, stir, cover, and steep for 15 minutes at least. If you're making iced tea with green, black, white, oolong, or Pu-erh, make sure you taste it every now and then after the first 15', as it might get bitter. Serve over ice and enjoy.
Follow these additional steps to make the perfect cup of tea!