Rosehip Berries | Whole (Rosa Canina) l Organic


Rosehips are wonderful little packages that are delicious in teas or even substituted for your favorite fruit in recipes for preserves. High in vitamin C, especially, but also containing vitamins A, B3, D, and E, rosehips are an effective nutritive — especially helpful during the long cold and flu season. Rosehips are also a strong antioxidant, protecting you from the ravaging effects of the free radicals that are a part of any urban lifestyle.
Rosehips also contain iron, which is therapeutic for anemia as well as for easing pain and discomfort during one’s monthly cycle. Their flavonoid content makes rosehips strong antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals. Their anti-inflammatory nature helps soothe all kinds of pain, including arthritis, gout, and sore muscles.

Recommended Dosage
◉ 1-3 teaspoons of loose tea (or 3g up to 3 times) daily. If more than one herbal mixture is consumed at the same period of time, reduce the amount of tea accordingly.
◉ When herbs are used for an extended period of time, it is suggested to consume a herbal remedy with a ratio of 3 to 1. For example:
- If you choose to take it for 3 weeks, have a one-week pause.
- If it is taken for a 30-day period, have a 10-day pause.
That does not apply to herbs and fruits that have a laxative effect.

◉ Should be stored in airtight glass containers -in a cool, dark, and dry place- to preserve the flavor, texture, and properties.
◉ Before adding a new herbal remedy or supplement to your daily routine, you should consult with a medical doctor or holistic health practitioner. 

Herbal Tea Brewing Instructions

  1. Heat the water to just the point when it starts to boil.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of loose tea, to a tea infuser or tea bag, for every 180ml - 240ml of water.
  3. Pour the heated water (right off the boil) over the tea, cover your cup, and steep for 7-10 minutes or longer.
  4. Add honey or stevia for sweetness, if desired.

    Follow these additional steps to make the perfect cup of tea!

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