Rue (Ruta Graveolens) | Organic
This herb is a member of the Rutaceae family, and the name Ruta derives from the Greek word for "to set free." It is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean regions and northern Africa before spreading into other regions of Europe.
It is utilized in many Catholic rituals by dipping rue stems into Holy water and sprinkling it over people's heads as a blessing, earning it the names "Herb of Grace" and "Herb of Repentance."
The rue plant was utilized by Leonardo de Vinci to improve his creativity. For hundreds of years, it has been used as a spice and medicinal plant in traditional European medicine. Dried rue herb was also thought to be effective against plague and toxins by doctors.
Some of the health benefits are treating digestive disorders such as loss of appetite, upset stomach, and diarrhea. It is also used to treat heart and circulation disorders such as the pounding heart (heart palpitations) and "hardening of the arteries" (arteriosclerosis). Some individuals use rue to treat respiratory difficulties such as discomfort and coughing caused by edema around the lungs (pleurisy).
Rue is also used to treat various painful ailments such as headache, arthritis, cramps, and muscular spasms, as well as nervous system issues such as anxiousness, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and Bell's palsy.
Other uses include the treatment of fever, bleeding, hepatitis, "eye weakness," water retention, intestinal worm infestations, and oral cancer. Rue is also used to fight germs and fungi. Some women even use rue to treat menstruation difficulties, stimulate the uterus, and induce abortions. Rue is used topically to treat arthritis, dislocations, sprains, bone injuries, inflamed skin, earaches, toothaches, headaches, tumors, and warts, as well as as an insect repellent.
Rue and its oil are used to flavor dishes and beverages.
Recommended Dosage
◉ 1-3 teaspoons of loose tea (or 3g up to 3 times) daily. If more than one herbal mixture is consumed at the same period of time, reduce the amount of tea accordingly.
◉ When herbs are used for an extended period of time, it is suggested to consume a herbal remedy with a ratio of 3 to 1. For example:
- If you choose to take it for 3 weeks, have a one-week pause.
- If it is taken for a 30-day period, have a 10-day pause.
That does not apply to herbs and fruits that have a laxative effect.
◉ Should be stored in airtight glass containers -in a cool, dark, and dry place- to preserve the flavor, texture, and properties.
◉ Before adding a new herbal remedy or supplement to your daily routine, you should consult with a medical doctor or holistic health practitioner.
Herbal Tea Brewing Instructions
- Heat the water to just the point when it starts to boil.
- Add 1 teaspoon of loose tea, to a tea infuser or tea bag, for every 180ml - 240ml of water.
- Pour the heated water (right off the boil) over the tea, cover your cup, and steep for 7-10 minutes or longer.
- Add honey or stevia for sweetness, if desired.
Follow these additional steps to make the perfect cup of tea!